
newly industrializing country中文是什么意思

  • 新兴工业国



  • 例句与用法
  • Newly industrialized countries
  • Malaysian economic development is one of the best among east asian newly industrializing countries
  • Abstract : malaysian economic development is one of the best among east asian newly industrializing countries
  • Auty , r . m . " industrial policy reform in six large newly industrializing countries : the resource curse thesis . " world development , no . 1 ( 1994 )
    在六个新近工业化的大国中,工业政策的改革:资源诅咒论, 《世界发展》第1号( 1994 ) 。
  • Then , when the economies of japan and other newly industrialized countries in asia faltered in the late 1990s , shock waves rippled throughout the global financial system
  • Then , when the economies of japan and other newly industrialized countries in asia faltered in the late 1990s , shock waves rippled throughout the global financial system
  • On the contrary , some other developing countries ’ economy was growing fast because of their outward - oriented , market - based economic strategies in the tide of economical globalization , and became the newly industrialized countries and districts
  • The problem about small and middle - sized enterprise is a world - widly one because there are a number of small and middle - sized enterprises in developing countries as well as in developed countries and newly industrialized countries
  • Moreover , with the rapid economy - development in some newly industrializing countries and regions , some developed countries and regions such as u . s . a . and eu started a new protectionism - trend by taking non - tariff barriers as the main measures since 1970s
  • But , the competition policy of china still treat in further perfect . study the relevant theories and fulfillment of the flourishing nation , newly industrialized country systematically under the wto frame to find out regulative things to hold the direction of the development thus from it , go it to chinese establishment valid of nation competition the policy have to draw lessons from meaning importantly
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newly industrializing country的中文翻译,newly industrializing country是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译newly industrializing country,newly industrializing country的中文意思,newly industrializing country的中文newly industrializing country in Chinesenewly industrializing country的中文newly industrializing country怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
